PPS Annual Meetings

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The 2014 PPS/SPP Meeting

Birmingham - UK

Dear Friends and Colleagues

It was with enormous pride and pleasure that we hosted the joint meeting of the Paediatric Pathology Society and the Society for Pediatric Pathology, in Birmingham, UK  on 4-6th September 2014.

The meeting was granted 10 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).

The meeting also marked the Diamond Jubilee of the PPS.

The meeting was held at the famous International Conference Centre (ICC) in the heart of the city, next to the restored canals and close to all of Birmingham’s amenities, hotels and shopping.

The programme offered something for everyone, with two symposia, a slide seminar and two keynote lectures.  A large number of abstracts for the scientific sessions were submitted and the programme was of a high standard.


The Reception took place in the new Birmingham Library.  The Gala Dinner was held in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.  During the reception of which the famous Pre-Raphaelite Gallery of the Museum was open for a private viewing.

Please take a look at the gilded bronze statue of Matthew Boulton, James Watt and William Murdock the genius industrialists and entrepreneurs who contributed tot he fame of Birmingham and whom we chose to be the logo of the meeting and whom we pictured on our commemorative medal.

Birmingham is a great base for exploring the historic towns of the Midlands, and the beautiful countryside or a starting point for a tour of the UK.

We hope you enjoyed your visit.


About this year's meeting

Scientific Programme

Thursday 4th Sept

Chairpersons: Glen Taylor and Ronald de Krijger

Paediatric Neuropathology Symposium:

  1. Zoltan MolnarProfessor of Neurodevelopmental Biology andFrancis SzeleUniversity Lecturer in Developmental Biology, University of Oxford, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics. Developmental biology of neuronal migration.
  2. Dr. Waney Squier Department of Neuropathology. Oxford University Hospitals. Neonatal encephalopathy: Changing patterns.
  3. Dr.Catherine Fallot-Bianco, Hopital Sainte Justine etUniversite de Montreal (QC) Canada. Neuronalmigration disorders.

4.     Dr. Casper Jansen, Consultant Paediatric and Neuropathologist, LaboratoriumPathologieOost- Nederland. Hengelo, NL. Paediatric Neurodegenerative Disorders

19.30 Welcome Reception
The Secret Garden, Library of Birmingham

Friday 5th September


Paediatric pathology
plenary session Chairpersons:CsabaGalambos and Nick Smith

Perinatal pathology plenary
Chairpersons: Tamas Marton and Rebecca Baergen




IPPA graduate session
Chairpersons: Marta Cohenand Samantha HoldenPresenters:
Jukka Laine(Finland) George Kokai (UK) Bhumita Vadgama, (UK) Gitta Turowski(Norway) Jens Stahlschmidt (UK)

Perinatal/Paediatric pathology
plenary session Chairpersons: Ona M. Faye-Petersen and Cesar Peres

Chairperson: Raj Kapur

Lotte Strauss lecture
Benjamin Wilkins, MD, PhD “p53-mediated biliary defects caused by knockdown of cirhia, the zebrafish homolog of the gene responsible for North American Indian Childhood cirrhosis.”





Paediatric pathology
plenary session Chairpersons: AuroreCoulomb and Lisa Teot

Perinatal pathology plenary
Chairpersons: Linda Ernst and Roger Malcomson

Chairperson: Phil Cox

John Emery Memorial Lecture – Prof. Roc Kaschula: "Malnutrition
as a form of Child Abuse or Neglect"





SPP Business meeting

Conference Dinner – Birmingham Museum and Art  Gallery

Saturday 6th  September


Perinatal Symposium – Skeletal
Chairpersons: Hal Hawkins and ClairEvans

  1. Peter Nikkels(Utrecht, Netherlands):Mimics ofskeletal dysplasia and chondrodysplasiapunctata.
  2. Luc Oligny(Montreal, Canada):Ciliopathies as a cause of skeletal dysplasia.
  3. Trevor Cole(Birmingham, UK):Skeletal Dysplasias:Review of practice in the clinicsetting.
  4. Linda Ernst(Chicago, USA):Diagnosis of skeletaldysplasia in disrupted fetuses.

Paediatric pathology
plenary & poster session Chairpersons: MeganDishop and Marie-Anne Brundler




Perinatal pathology
plenary and poster session Chairpersons: Nick
Smith and Monique De Paepe

Slide seminar – New insight in head
and neck pathology Chairpersons:RaffaellaMorotti and Marian Malone
Presenters: John Hicks, USA Kyle Kurek, USA
Bruce Pawel, USA Lisa Teot, USA
Jane Dahlstrom, Australia

1400 onwards

Cultural activity

2014 programme (2M)

PROGRAMME-4th-joint-PPS-SPP-Meeting-Programme-Bham-Sept-14 (2M)